Revolution Plus ®, born from the experience of the Franco Grasso Revenue Team, gives the hotelier or the one who manages the tourist facility all the information needed to make winning business decisions.
Used by over 300 facilities, it offers a faithful picture of the current and future situation, also by means of a constant comparison with the past; it makes the interpretation of data extremely easy giving you the opportunity to choose and apply the ideal sales rate successfully.

Manageable from Desktop PC or Mobile App
It historicizes all the most important variables of each facility and analyzes them, adapting to every situation. It highlights the daily movements and compares current and future data with historical data.
It allows daily rate changes and those for a certain period, speeding up operations and preventing errors. Alerts and notifications on data in order to make changes within the shortest possible time.
It is equipped with a form for sending rates directly to the portals via the interfaced Channel Managers, managing availability, restrictions and reservations.
Data can be updated manually from Excel files or automatically from integrated management PMS
It compares the data and sends the rates directly to the OTA portals through Channel Managers
It monitors the trend of refusals by occupancy and by rate, highlighting situations in which pricing management corrections can be applied
It details the daily average selling price by sales strategy and compares it with the previous year

To be able to easily consult the sales trend on a daily, monthly and annual basis
A summary that is always up-to-date; it calculates the entry speed of the room reservations and the effectiveness of the rates
Calculation of estimates in real time; analysis of the weather forecasts (historical and future)
In order to get a quick view of the trend of the period under analysis, Revolution Plus uses the Calendar, a tool that allows you to carry out operations of considerable importance.
The Calendar aggregates all the data needed to analyze every single day on sale. By reading this data, you can decide how to change the rates directly on the calendar. If it is connected to a Channel Manager, you can do it directly on the OTAs in a few minutes.
This function gives you the opportunity to compare the data with the previous year, optimize the sale by channels or for the greatest possible number of data on a single display.
It allows an in-depth analysis of the data through Revenue Alert on the trend: this makes it possible to monitor the refusals due to occupancy, refusals due to rates and it allows you to predict the time the facility will be full.
Detail of the daily ASP segmented by sales strategy and comparison with the previous year; dynamic historical trend for future dates.
Macro analysis of data with visualization of long periods, thanks to a statistics module with charts and reports of the trend on a daily, monthly and annual basis, as well as providing a dashboard to monitor the monthly trend.
- Daily analysis of the Room Night and Annual Revenue for the current activity and the previous year
- Total room night and ASP for resource and room type
- Pick-Up for resources and room type
- RatePAR (Rate Per Available Room)
- Comparison of dates of events and holidays
- Year-by-year daily comparison regarding resources and room types
- Year-on-year analysis of dates of holidays and special events
An essential function of Revolution Plus is data collection. It focuses on essential data, so you can compare the current situation of a hotel with that of last year, both of the final balance and of today’s.
The data are collected automatically by integrated PMSs, or through simple Excel sheets or even manually. Importing data correctly from the PMS is essential. Reading is simplified, all for the benefit of choosing the most appropriate rates.
Integration with any PMS for the reception of occupancy and revenue data, through API
Creation and Management of Resources/Markets
Micro and Macro analysis of data with data visualization at 7 days or for long periods
Exporting of data in Excel
The Revolution Plus software processes data that are easy to read and it processes statistics regarding the trend. By processing the available data, the company and those managing the sales can identify the most appropriate rate.

- Occupational pick-ups to be analyzed daily
- LOG management at multiple levels: a function aimed at monitoring the activities performed in the system.
- Multi Account and Multi Property Management, with the possibility to differentiate the authorizations and the management
- Creation and Management of Room Types
- Security Rate Setting
- Visual Alerts setting and Sell Limit Email by type and rate
- Management of availability and sending directly to OTAs from a dedicated planner (only with interfaced Channel Manager)
- Occupancy trend charts and prices
- Historical daily rates with summary of reservations and cancellations and the duration of exposure of each rate
- Calculator to make estimates in real time, once you have entered the rates
- Booking entry speed and effectiveness of the rates
- Historical and future weather forecasts
- Management of multiple rate plans with fixed supplements that can be modified manually if necessary
- Importation of reservations from OTAs in a special section (only with interfaced Channel Manager) and display of the Credit Card with a dedicated password.
Print out or save on a device the detailed reservation in its every aspect (customer, check-in and check-out, notes, credit card, etc.)